7 Tips To Keep Your House Warmer & Save Money This Winter

Brrr. During the winter months (December, January, and February), the temperature in most of Toronto is usually below 0°C, day and night. Temperatures can drop below -25°C. Snow can often stick around from the middle of December until the middle of March. We’re only a couple of weeks into the bitter cold of winter, so here are seven tips to help you keep your home cozy and warm and your heating costs lower.

1. Get your furnace a tune-up and safety check

Just like your car, a furnace needs regular checkups and maintenance to continue running smoothly and efficiently. The cost of tune-up is far less than the cost of repairing or replacing a furnace that has not been properly maintained. Plus, regular maintenance helps extend the life of the furnace and increases savings for the long-term.  If that’s not enough incentive, imagine losing heat in the middle of the night because of a faulty furnace. Not worth it!

2. Change your furnace filter

During the winter months, your furnace is working overtime to keep you and your family warm. Be sure to check and change the filter regularly. Most air filters should be changed every three months. Consider increasing the frequency during the winter.

3. Boost the insulation in your home

Air can seep in or out of the smallest cracks. Open spaces like attics and basements are especially prone to retain cold air. Having the right amount of insulation and properly installing insulation can offer tremendous savings. Start with your attic and basement spaces and move to the interior walls as your finances permit. In addition to wall insulation, ensure the windows and doors all have exterior caulking to prevent outside air from sneaking in.

4. Let the sunshine in during the day

The sun is the most powerful heater in the universe, let it go to work for you during the day. Open blinds and curtains on windows that are facing the sun. As the hours pass, close the blinds and curtains to keep the heat inside.

5. Turn down the heat while you are away

If you aren’t in the house, there is no reason to keep it quite so warm and cozy. Turning the heat down ten degrees keeps the house warmer but will help reduce the overall cost in the long-term.

6. Keep the fireplace damper closed when not in use

Wood-burning fireplaces are excellent heat providers but when they are not in use, the chimney is a wide entryway for cold outside air. When the fireplace is not in use, remember to close the damper.

7. Check the flow of air and close off unused areas

If you have a room that is never used, close off the heating vents/registers to that room. In addition, walk through all the rooms in the house and check to ensure that each heating vent has a clear airflow that isn’t obstructed by furniture or other items. For extra warmth, cover unused doors and windows with a plastic film.

If your furnace is old, it might be time to consider replacing the old with a new, efficient furnace. You might be eligible for rebates and at High Efficiency Cooling & Heating, we offer affordable financing options to meet your needs. Call us today for a free estimate!

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